Tom Goddard & Sons Ltd

About Us

Founded by Tom Goddard, the business has been at its present site in Camrose since 1965. The site was originally operated as a conventional knackery. The family would collect dead or injured animals from all over the county. At that time, they would pay the farmers to take their dead stock. Profit was made by trying to salvage as much as possible from the carcasses. This included selling hides to the tanneries and the meat to pet food manufacturers.

In the early 1980’s Tom Goddard invested in equipment to allow them to manufacture their own brand of pet food. A good quality product was cooked, packaged and refrigerated on-site. The company delivered its product to various sites all over the UK.
The early 1990’s saw the onset of the BSE crisis and the associated national cull of cattle over thirty months old. The business activities were expanded to incorporate an animal carcass incinerator, and in order to cope with the increasing workload, mostly under Government contract, a second incinerator was installed in 1996.

In 2008 due to increasing fuel costs and changes to legislation it was no longer viable to continue the incinerating and the decision was made to use rendering as a form of disposal/recycling. The company sends all of their waste rendering facility based at Halifax.
Find out more about the rendering process here.
Over the last few years, we have worked hard to recycle as much of the material we collect as possible, and we are proud to say that these days we recycle 100% of the material we collect.

In 2016 the Goddard family sold the business to the Leo Group Ltd who are at the forefront of rendering and recycling in the UK. Leo Group is one of the UK’s leading collectors of animal by products, who specialise in the processing of these by products into meals, oils and petfood ingredients, which are exported around the world. Every year Leo Group collect and process in excess of 1.25 million tonnes of waste material. From this processing operation they produce 130,000 tonnes of protein meal and 70 million litres of purified fats per year. The meal and fats are used across a range of industries, including biofuels, cosmetics, pet food, oleo chemical, agricultural and power industry.

Tom Goddard and Sons Ltd is actively reviewing its practices and exploring alternative technologies which we hope will make the business of animal collection and disposal more cost effective.
The aim of the company is to provide the farming community and the like with a high quality, efficient and most importantly an affordable means of dead stock and animal waste disposal.

Dead Stock

All fallen stock (including horses and exotic animals) orders are collected within 24-48 hours.
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Butchery Waste

We supply our customers with wheelie bins and we collect them on a weekly basis.
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Animal  Waste

We currently collect from a number of local, abattoirs, slaughter houses and poultry farms.
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We have a weighbridge and is open to the public between 09:00 – 16:00 Monday to Friday.
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